Alprolix® [Coagulation Factor IX (Recombinant), Fc Fusion Protein] logo
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3 players standing together (patient portrayal)

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Read and complete this patient services enrollment form to apply for Sanofi patient assistance programs.
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Formulario de inscripción
Lea y complete este formulario de inscripción de servicios para pacientes para solicitar los programas de asistencia para pacientes de Sanofi.
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Copay Program*

Eligible patients could pay as little as $0 with maximum annual savings up to $20,000 with no income caps.


Determine your eligibility and get your copay card by completing the enrollment form with your healthcare provider or by contacting your dedicated Sanofi case manager at 1-833-723-5463.

*The Copay Program does not cover prescriptions eligible to be reimbursed, in whole or in part, by a state or federal health care program, including but not limited to Medicare, Medicare Advantage Plans (Example: FreedomBlue offered through BlueCross BlueShield), Medicare Part D, Medicaid, Medigap, Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense, or TRICARE. In accordance with State law, the Program does not reimburse infusion-related charges for commercially insured patients residing in Massachusetts, Michigan, or Rhode Island (Charitable Access Program patients residing in these states are eligible to receive assistance for infusion-related charges while they are receiving charitable drug). No claim for reimbursement of any out-of-pocket expenses covered by the Copay Program may be submitted to any third-party payer, whether public or private. The Copay Program is available only in the United States and cannot be combined with any other rebate/coupon, free trial, or similar offer. Copay benefits are not transferable. Sanofi reserves the right to rescind, revoke, modify, or amend this program without notice. Program details provided upon registration.

Man rolling with suitcase outdoors (patient portrayal)
Explore the possible side
effects of ALPROLIX.
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Alex is a real patient who switched to ALPROLIX
Patient stories
See how real ALPROLIX patients 
manage hemophilia B.
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Helpful videos

Hacks by ALPROLIX: Infusion Prep video thumbnail

Infusion prep

Prepare for your next infusion with tips from a nurse practitioner at a hemophilia treatment center. 

Hack by ALPROLIX: Grab and Go video thumbnail

Grab and go

Planning a trip? Discover smart and simple ways to pack everything you need to infuse when you’re away from home.  

Hacks by ALPROLIX: Clean Up video thumbnail

Clean up

After you’re done infusing, now what? This video shows you how to get everything squared away—safely and efficiently.

Here's to 10 years

Watch our video and celebrate 10 years of trusted bleed protection with ALPROLIX®.
Hacks by ALPROLIX: Traveling with Medical Documents video thumbnail

Traveling with medical documents

Get organized with innovative tips to help you travel with all your medical documents.

Hacks by ALPROLIX: Soothe Before You Infuse video thumbnail

Soothe before you infuse

See how a few simple tips can help set the mood for a more relaxed infusion experience.

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ALPROLIX instructions for use

Get an illustrated, step-by-step guide that shows you how to reconstitute and infuse ALPROLIX. 

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Find your CoRe Manager and connect today
Sanofi Hemophilia Community Relations and Education (CoRe) Managers offer education and support to people living with hemophilia and their families, including treatment options and lifestyle tips. Use our CoRe Locator to find the CoRe Manager in your area. 
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Important Safety Information and Indication
Important Safety Information
ALPROLIX® [Coagulation Factor IX (Recombinant), Fc Fusion Protein] is an injectable medicine that is used to help control and prevent bleeding in people with hemophilia B. Hemophilia B is also called congenital Factor IX deficiency. Your healthcare provider may give you ALPROLIX when you have surgery.
Important Safety Information
Do not use ALPROLIX if you are allergic to ALPROLIX or any of the other ingredients in ALPROLIX.

Tell your healthcare provider if you have or have had any medical problems, take any medicines, including prescription and non-prescription medicines, supplements, or herbal medicines, have any allergies and all your medical conditions, including if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, are breastfeeding, or have been told you have inhibitors (antibodies) to Factor IX.

Common side effects of ALPROLIX include headache, abnormal sensation in the mouth, and pain in your side with blood in your urine, which may be a sign of clot formation in the urinary collecting system.

Allergic reactions may occur with ALPROLIX. Call your healthcare provider or get emergency treatment right away if you have any of the following symptoms: hives, chest tightness, wheezing, difficulty breathing, or swelling of the face.

Redness to the skin at the injection site may also occur.

ALPROLIX may increase the risk of formation of abnormal blood clots in your body, especially if you have risk factors for developing blood clots. Call your healthcare provider or seek emergency care if you have symptoms of a possible abnormal blood clot, which may include: chest pain, difficulty breathing, unexpected swelling of an arm or leg with or without pain or tenderness.

Your body can also make antibodies called "inhibitors" against ALPROLIX, which may stop ALPROLIX from working properly.

These are not all of the possible side effects of ALPROLIX. Talk to your healthcare provider right away about any side effect that bothers you or does not go away, or if bleeding is not controlled using ALPROLIX.
© 2024 Sanofi. All rights reserved. ALPROLIX and Sanofi are registered trademarks of Sanofi or an affiliate. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. MAT-US-2021806-V8.0-10/2024 Last updated: October 2024